
Inside the Hispanic Impact Fund grant cycle

Over the past few months, the Hispanic Impact Fund at Austin Community Foundation has been hard at work reviewing applications for the Fund’s second grant cycle.

This year, 23 local Latino leaders and allies came together to review and discuss the 75 incredible grant applications we received from Latino-serving nonprofits across Austin and Central Texas.

The Hispanic Impact Fund was established in 2017 with the mission of bridging the opportunity gap for Hispanic Central Texans. We do this through our data-informed focus, which has helped the Fund identify impact areas where we can make a real difference: early childhood education, health & wellness and job skills & entrepreneurship.

Last Thursday, we brought this vision to life as the Hispanic Impact Fund invested $180,000 back into the community from companies and individuals that share a commitment to securing the economic future of our region – because we believe when Hispanics rise, everyone benefits.

Similar to our grant awards in 2018, the Hispanic Impact Fund awarded three $50,000 grants and three $10,000 grants to our 2019 Community Impact Partners. We provide these two grant levels because we believe in opportunities for all organizations aligned with the mission of the Fund, from emerging to established nonprofits, both constantly adapting to dispel the barriers to economic advancement for Hispanics & Latinos in Central Texas.

As the program manager of the Hispanic Impact Fund, I am excited to witness and be a part of our collective success over the past two years. We are truly building something special together.

Please join me in congratulating our 2019 Hispanic Impact Fund Community Impact Partners. We are grateful for their hard work in our community.

Early Childhood Education

  • Todos Juntos – 2-gen early childhood eduation program
  • AVANCE-Austin – Expansion of parent and early childhood education program

Health & Wellness

  • Vela – Empowering familias: Cursos de Autismo
  • Catholic Charities of Central Texas – Expanding mental health services for Hispanic families

Job Skills & Entrepreneurship

  • EGBI – Industry clubs expansion
  • Grameen America – Ending the cycle of poverty in Austin: Financing Hispanic women entrepreneurs
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