
From Strategy to Impact: How ACF Supports Corporate Giving

Corporate philanthropy isn’t just a noble cause; it’s a strategic investment. Companies of all sizes have an opportunity to be more socially responsible and uplift communities through corporate philanthropy. Beyond the inherent desire to make a difference, businesses that embrace corporate philanthropy enjoy significant benefits—not just for their brand and workforce but also for their financial health.

By partnering with Austin Community Foundation, companies can elevate their impact, gaining access to expert guidance, charitable knowledge, and administrative support to maximize their giving strategy.

For example, one practical and effective way for companies to manage their giving is by establishing a donor advised fund (DAF) at ACF. Operating similarly to a corporate foundation, executives can enjoy the convenience of a 501(c)(3)-qualified structure, avoiding the time and expense associated with creating and managing a separate foundation.

DAFs provide an easy way to make significant charitable gifts with immediate tax benefits and deductions. The company can fund the corporate DAF each year (especially in good years), thereby organizing charitable donations to a wide range of nonprofits through a single source of funds. In addition to maximizing the benefit and minimizing the cost of company giving, this structure helps ensure consistent giving levels year-over-year.

Below are eight advantages of implementing a corporate philanthropy program with ACF:

  1. Vision and strategy: ACF can help you create and implement a strategy to meet your charitable goals.
  2. Knowledgeable team: Rely on our team’s expertise for community knowledge and grantmaking best practices.
  3. Grantmaking services: The ability to make grants in the U.S. and abroad. Full compliance with state and federal regulations of grants.
  4. Employee engagement: Leverage ACF’s processes and systems to encourage workplace giving and engage employees in supporting the causes they are passionate about.
  5. Cost-effective and efficient: No startup costs or additional legal, CPA, or administrative costs.
  6. Administrative support: Compliance with IRS requirements and fiduciary responsibility without required tax filings or audits required as with a corporate foundation.
  7. Ability to donate various assets: ACF can accept cash, appreciated stock, pre-IPO, and other assets.
  8. Managed charitable assets: Easy and secure online access to fund balances. Investment options available to grow charitable giving.

Companies like Q2, Silicon Labs, Kendra Scott, and AMD have trusted ACF to find ways to create a positive impact here in Central Texas and across the world. Whether a company seeks immediate impact or sustained long-term growth, philanthropic solutions can be customized to align with a company’s unique business priorities.

Giving back to the community should be efficient and rewarding. If your company is considering how to give or already has a program in place, Austin Community Foundation is here to help you further your goals. Contact me today to explore how we can best support you.

Shannon Stagner is a Donor Relations Officer at Austin Community Foundation.

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