An accelerator fund to improve housing affordability.
The Housing Accelerator Loan Fund is a $16+ million fund that leverages public and private dollars to accelerate the pace of affordable housing production in Central Texas.
The Housing Accelerator Loan Fund is a $16+ million fund that leverages public and private dollars to accelerate the pace of affordable housing production in Central Texas.
The demand for affordable housing far exceeds the supply, and homes can’t be built fast enough to meet the needs of Central Texans. Meanwhile, affordable housing developers lack access to the quick, low-cost financing necessary to acquire land and build a range of housing options.
The Housing Accelerator Loan Fund seeks to address this issue by providing low-cost capital and concessionary financing to affordable housing developers for short-term pre-development, land acquisition, and bridge financing. This financing model fills a gap in funding sources, enabling developers to accelerate the pace of their projects and build more affordable units.
A key to the success of an accelerator fund is strong, mutually beneficial relationships across industries. Our partnerships allow us to leverage the strengths of each sector to create more affordable housing in Central Texas. We are grateful to the leaders and organizations involved in this work.