When Hispanics rise, Austin rises.

A giving network for those passionate about our Hispanic community.

Why we exist

The Hispanic Impact Fund was founded in 2017 to support the economic mobility and advancement of Hispanic Central Texans—an essential priority for the future of our region.

One in every three people in Central Texas identify as Latino—this means nearly one million Latinos now call this region home, with this figure expected to grow significantly in the next decade. Despite this growth, Latinos are being left out of Austin’s booming economy and the opportunities it presents due to systemic barriers in education, health, society, and the workforce. This perpetuates a racial wealth divide felt by many Latino families across generations.

How it works

The Hispanic Impact Fund is a community-led initiative stewarded by a passionate and active Steering Committee. Our collective-giving model continues to be at the heart of our identity, highlighting how every dollar raised contributes to our grantmaking and overall impact.

By leveraging the assets, resilience and strength of our Latino community, we’re investing in the potential of future leaders and entrepreneurs. Our impact areas were defined by community leaders to address the most pressing needs of the community through our grantmaking work, which provides unrestricted, general operating funding for local Latino-led and Latino-serving nonprofits.

We invest in the following impact areas:

Kindergarten-readiness is essential for improving long-term academic outcomes for Latino children.

The Hispanic Impact Fund invests in organizations that provide access to affordable, high-quality pre-K and early childhood education starting at age 3, building the pipeline from cradle to career for Latino families.

Access to affordable, preventative health care is a key factor in helping Latino families avoid unexpected health crises and resultant financial ruin.

The Hispanic Impact Fund invests in organizations that provide preventative, culturally competent health education and access to quality mental and physical health services.​

Many Latinos are confined to minimal incomes, accelerating the racial wealth divide.

To combat this, the Hispanic Impact Fund invests in organizations that train and equip Latinos with the skills needed to obtain high-demand, living-wage jobs with opportunities for advancement. It also invests in organizations that assist Latino entrepreneurs in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to expand their businesses.

Latino leadership matters.

Although Latinos in Central Texas represent a third of the population, they are not proportionately reflected in key leadership positions across all sectors. The Hispanic Impact Fund invests in organizations advancing Latino leadership and creating pipelines of youth, emerging, and established Latino talent, which are critical to building a thriving Central Texas.

Donate to the Hispanic Impact Fund.

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Research Report

Advancing Latino Futures

A 2025 status report focused on Hispanic Central Texans.

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Meet our current grant partners.

Discover the organizations working alongside us to advance economic mobility for Hispanic Central Texans.

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Learn how to apply for a grant.

Explore the application process, eligibility criteria, and key details. Have questions along the way? We’ve got the answers.

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Our goal is to invest in local solutions that strengthen our community and ensure every Latino in Central Texas has the opportunity to thrive.

Alex Cantu Steering Committee Chair

Our Steering Committee

  • Alex Cantu, Steering Committee Chair
  • Justin Rosas, Board Liaison
  • Oscar Gonzalez, Grants Committee Chair
  • Catalina Berry, Programs & Engagement Chair
  • Christina Corona, Steering Committee Chair-Elect
  • Monica Saavedra, Programs & Engagement Chair-Elect
  • Carla Molina, Immediate Past Chair