Topic: Economic Mobility

Women’s Fund Grants $400,000 with Racial Equity Lens

Meet Paola

Hispanic Impact Fund Awards $225,000 to 12 Nonprofit Organizations

Women’s Fund Revises Strategy Based on Racial Equity

The Women’s Fund is shifting its strategy to address and create a more equitable grantmaking strategy and process.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage in Central Texas Year-Round

Opinion: Community won’t thrive without investing in Latinos

For Latinos, the simultaneous heath and economic crises created by the COVID-19 pandemic have laid bare the persistent inequality that many of us already live through daily. In spite of this, Latinos have been called on to show up.

Hispanic Impact Fund Awards $70K in Rapid-Response Grants

We know that the Hispanic communities we serve will be disproportionately impacted by the current economic downturn associated with COVID-19.

Bank of America Awards $50,000 to Hispanic Impact Fund to Support Workforce Development

Austin Community Foundation announced today a $50,000 grant from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation to the Hispanic Impact Fund to support workforce development and entrepreneurism for Hispanic individuals and families in Central Texas.

Inside the Hispanic Impact Fund grant cycle

Over the past few months, the Hispanic Impact Fund at Austin Community Foundation has been hard at work reviewing applications for the Fund’s second grant cycle.

This year, 23 local Latino leaders and allies came together to review and discuss the 75 incredible grant applications we received from Latino-serving nonprofits across Austin and Central Texas.

Donor Advised Funds Contribute to Stronger Communities

Donor-advised funds are a powerful philanthropic vehicle to address both urgent and long-term community needs. These funds, which can only be used for philanthropic purposes, allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit and recommend grants over time.