2025 Grant Opportunity
About the Forever Austin Fund
For nearly 50 years, Austin Community Foundation has been building endowment funds with legacy donors to create a permanent community resource that enables us to invest in Austin’s most pressing needs and greatest opportunities, now and for future generations. They entrusted ACF to support the issues they cared about, forever. This collective of assets is the Forever Austin Fund.
The Forever Austin Fund supports the giving of a collection of field-of-interest funds, unrestricted funds, and donor advised funds at the Foundation. The ACF team manages grantmaking from these funds, thoughtfully balancing the intent of each fund with the evolving needs of Central Texas.
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Funding Areas
Every year, ACF will make Forever Austin Fund grants to address both urgent and systemic needs in Central Texas. In 2025, our grants will focus on economic mobility, health and humanities, and nurturing our region.
Economic Mobility: Ensuring paths to economic mobility for Central Texans is a critical strategy in ACF’s focus on closing the opportunity gap. By partnering with and funding organizations that tackle immediate and systemic economic challenges, we aim to eliminate wealth disparities and create lasting change. Grants in this category will focus on four key areas:
- Housing Stability: Stable housing is the anchor of economic mobility. When individuals and families have access to safe, affordable housing—whether renting or owning—they can build assets and work toward long-term economic mobility. ACF will invest in strategies that support housing stability and/or create asset-building opportunities through homeownership.
- Career Pathways & Resources: For many Central Texans, limited job opportunities, lack of affordable childcare, senior care, and unreliable transportation make finding and keeping stable employment difficult. Earning a living wage is essential for building financial security and weathering economic ups and downs. ACF will invest in programs that support access, sustainability, and mobility among living-wage careers.
- Small Business & Entrepreneurship: Owning a business can offer a strong path to financial security and upward mobility. Entrepreneurship is a critical way to build personal wealth and assets that can benefit future generations. ACF will support programs and investment vehicles that give undercapitalized entrepreneurs and small business owners the support they need to achieve their goals.
- Addressing Systemic Barriers: Systemic inequities have led to ongoing wealth disparities, disproportionately affecting women and people of color. Closing these wealth gaps is vital to improving individual lives and boosting our regional economy. ACF will support initiatives that increase savings or reduce debt for communities that have experienced historic wealth inequality to build generational wealth.
Health and Humanities: The future of our region is inextricably linked to the health of our people and the growth of our creative community. Grants in this category will focus on:
- Health & Wellness: Improving health outcomes by connecting people to quality health resources, culturally competent health education and reducing health disparities. Health is broadly defined to include mental and physical health and wellness.
- Arts & Culture: Catalyzing work that champions the diversity of our community, expands access to arts and cultural experiences for residents, and/or increases opportunities for artistic expression.
Nurturing our Region: Preserving and protecting our rich ecosystem ensures generations of Central Texans can live and thrive. Grants in this category will focus on:
- Environmental Sustainability: Bolstering environmental efforts that support a healthier, cleaner, and more resilient region.
- Green Spaces: Encouraging the preservation and enjoyment of green spaces (e.g. parks, trails, preserves) in Central Texas.
- Animal Welfare: Promoting the well-being of animals and/or defend against abuse or neglect.
Funding Amounts
Through the Forever Austin Fund grant cycle, we anticipate awarding 50-75 grants between $5,000-$50,000 each. Award amounts will be determined by application scores, donor priorities, and individual endowment budgets. Grants may be approved for full or partial funding of the requested amount, which should not exceed 30% of the organization’s budget.
Additional funding information per impact area:
- Economic Mobility: 20-30 grants, up to a total of $1,250,000
- Health and Humanities: 15-20 grants up to a total of $550,000
- Nurturing our Region: 10-15 grants up to a total of $200,000
All awards will be considered general operating support, with the intention of building organizational capacity and sustainability to execute an organization’s mission.
Grant proposals will be reviewed and scored by a combination of community members, local donors, and ACF board and staff members.
Eligibility Considerations
Eligible applicants include 501(c)(3) public charities in good standing with the IRS, religious organizations, and governmental entities that are serving the Central Texas region. Projects with an established IRS 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor are also eligible to apply.
We welcome proposals from organizations from across the spectrum, including those providing direct services, advocacy, community organizing, partnerships, and other approaches as appropriate.
- Location: The proposed work must serve the Central Texas region, defined to include the following counties: Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, or Williamson.
- Compliance: If you have a current grant through any ACF program, you must be in compliance with that grant to apply. Contact us if you have questions about compliance.
- Number of applications: Each applicant may submit only one application to only one category.
- Partnership applications: We encourage collaboration. For collaborations between two or more nonprofits, the partners should select one nonprofit to serve as the lead applicant. Any awarded funds are to be used for the sole purpose of the partnership’s work, and the lead applicant will be responsible for managing the funds on behalf of the partners. The lead applicant organization—and any partner organizations—may also submit a separate individual application for its own organization.
In general, the Foundation does NOT grant funds for:
- endowment funds
- scholarships
- religious organizations for religious purposes
- fundraising activities or events
- umbrella funding organizations that intend to distribute funds at their own discretion
- political lobbying or legislative activities
- individuals
Key Dates
- Application opens: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, by 12 p.m. CT
- Application release webinar: Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 12-1 p.m. CT (will be recorded) – Sign up
- Office hours with ACF staff: offered throughout the application period
- Technical writing assistance with a consultant: offered throughout the application period
- Applications due: Friday, April 25, 2025, at 5 p.m. CT
- Award decisions announced: Tuesday, July 15, 2025