We invest to maximize impact
Investing your charitable dollars is an important part of our work. We offer investment strategies to match your giving goals and provide clear, transparent information about our financial position. We realize that every donor’s situation is unique. We offer four investment pools to suit a variety of donor goals, or you may choose to retain your current investment manager. Some limitations apply.
Investment pools by target asset allocation
ACF Year-End 2024 Update & 2025 Outlook
Hosted by our investment advisor, Fiducient Advisors, this presentation provides insights into market and investment pool performance over the past year and discusses impacts related to the Foundation’s long-term investment strategy.
Investment oversight
Our investment committee is comprised of seasoned investment and business professionals. With the aid of our investment counsel, Fiducient Advisors (formerly known as DiMeo Schneider & Associates), the committee formulates overall investment policy, determines strategic asset allocation and choice of asset classes, hires money managers and monitors and evaluates investment performance.
Please review our investment policy for more information about the Foundation’s portfolio, oversight and more.